Rainy Backpacking in Wyoming - Part 2 

After a beautiful, but rainy trip to this range in Wyoming last year - we thought we’d try it again. We decided to venture into a different basin within the range than we did last time, but our same luck with the rain persisted.

On the first night of our trip the rain pooled under and around our tent. It was a near flooding issue. Last time, it rained so hard when we were in this area that our tent actually started leaking and the rain came through the tent leaking on us in our sleep. Good news was that it wasn’t quite that bad this time.

We took a little day adventure up and around to the other areas within this basin and were glad to experience the jagged peaks that surrounded us. The wind was very strong as we ascended the ridges to see better views, but thankfully we at least caught these views during a lull in the rain.

After two nights, lots of rain, and a ton of bugs - we decided to hike out in what became a fairly uneventful backpacking trip. Any days we spend out in the backcountry, we cherish - but this one was a bit more ordinary than extraordinary. Maybe we’ll try our luck again in this range for a third time in the future. 


Exploring Oregon’s Remote Mountains


Alpine Backpacking Adventures